Sunday, August 23, 2009

... and so it begins.

Your body is trying to heal. In order for that to happen, you need to give it what it needs. I'm going to try to explain the ways this happens as best as I can.

I'm going to take this first post to explain my mentality. We live in a society of band-aids and patch-ups. We continually push on, repeating the same patterns over and over, never stopping to question how they began in the first place. Bringing these things to light, I think, is the essence of healing.

I'm tired of people going around, pretending they know they're talking about, but never doing the work required to do so. I have done so to the best of my ability, and I am going to share it with you all.

I'm going to start this by explaining a portion of my journey. I nearly died about a year ago. My pancreas shut down, my liver failed, and my brain swelled into my spinal cord. I had an enteric infection that caused me to have diarrhea until my gut literally lost the ability to make digestive enzymes, bile, or even to contract enough to push crap out. My hair and nails began to fall out, my skin peeled off, my lips dried up and literally fell off, and my consciousness lowered into a haze that I can only describe as the worst living hell imaginable. Not a single doctor could help me, nor could any acupuncturist, herbalist, or any so-called healer.

Several months in, I could only stay awake for about 30 minutes every 36 hours. It was at this point that I was confronted with a choice: either let go and die, or decide to live like I've never lived before.

I decided to live.

From here, the story is more than I can transpose to words on this site. I can only hope to convey what I have learned in a way that can inspire and inform others to do what I have done; healed myself.

My body is nearly back to where it was before the illness, however it has reorganized itself into a different form than before. I am thinner, taller, and I am going to say "more harmonious."

This is the essence of what I have learned; give the body what it needs, take away what it doesn't, open yourself to the experiences required along the way, and you shall heal.

With that, so begins the project of this website. I can only imagine what this will grow into. Part of that will be up to all of you that read this. I only ask that you all support me in this effort as I attempt to bring out the information that is so direly needed by so many of us. Let's do it for the greatest good of us all.


  1. Hey

    I follow Mike Adams Natural News too and found ur comment on his latest post and felt like checking out your blog....u seem to have just started out ... thats good. Look forward to hear more! In short, whats your take on Vitamin D3? Did it help your body revive? Or...? Also, in your first post, you say Raisins are the best....however on a sample of 36gms theres 26 grams of Sugar!! How will it help those with Blood Sugar problems>?

  2. Raisins aren't meant to help those with blood sugar problems...

    For help with blood sugar, check out my post on beans. There's more to it, but the dietary additions listed in that article will do more than I am allowed to say... I'd check out the chemical composition of insulin.

  3. I have suffered with allergies, asthma since almost birth. My asthma subsided each time I was pregnant (3 times). Now over the course of 51 years they diagnosed me with COPD which has lead to secondary polycithemia, also due to allergies my sinus cavities swell shut and have caused numerous horrible sinus infections that have been occuring 2 to 3 times in the past 7 years requiring long term use of antibiotics and Prednisone. Can you help me with this? If so I would gladly pay you.

  4. Addition to previous post the sinus infections occur 2 to 3 times a year each year for the past 7 years.

  5. Yes, I do personal nutritional consultations. You can email me or follow the instructions in my later posts to schedule a consultation or ask specific questions.

  6. Also yes, I can help you with your specific problems.
